The Midwest Renewable Energy Association works to make renewable energy more accessible and affordable. The Grow Solar Initiative is an effort to streamline the process and make solar energy cost competitive with other forms of energy by the end of the decade. Funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy’s SunShot Initiative, the Grow Solar website is an important tool for the initiative.

A program of the Headwaters Foundation in Minneapolis, the African American Leadership Forum is a movement committed to the revitalization and sustainability of a vibrant African American community. The circular format of the icon represents the unity of the group; the stripes of varying widths represent the range of perspectives the individual members bring; and the color palette reflects the vibrant energy of the group.

Community Shares of Greater Milwaukee (CSGM) coordinates workplace giving campaigns for organizations that are committed to social justice, the environment and animal welfare. Many of their member organizations are small and CSGM provides valuable access to donors at their workplace. We worked with CSGM to develop a system for collateral materials (a few pieces are shown above) that presents consistent imagery and messaging, making it easier for audiences to recognize them.

Established by Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago in 2004, the Center for State Child Welfare Data (known as the Data Center) works to turn vast amounts of data from state child welfare agencies into knowledge, which is then used to inform decision making around resources and ultimately, to improve outcomes for children and families. One of the most enjoyable aspects of this website project was providing guidance in organizing and developing the site content. Communicating with a broader audience is a fairly new endeavor for the Data Center, and our ‘outsider’ status benefited the process. Together, we took a potentially overwhelming amount of information and made it digestible.

The Milwaukee Area Workforce Investment Board coordinates workforce development efforts in the Milwaukee area. With a vast range of funding sources and programs targeted at multiple audiences, their story can start to feel overwhelming. In this annual report we worked to simplify their story where possible and to connect the reader to the outcomes of MAWIB’s work through a series of success stories.

Life Navigators helps individuals with developmental disabilities and their families access the information and services they need to thrive. A 2012 name change (they used to be known as ARC of Greater Milwaukee) and a new identity called for a new website. Along with our technology partner, Unbox Interactive, we created this easy-to-use website which is updated frequently by Life Navigators staff.

As part of an awareness campaign, an invitation to attend a “Get to Know Us” event for Highland Community School.

Highland Community School is a parent-directed, Montessori charter school that’s part of Milwaukee Public Schools. We helped the school develop an identity that reflects the energy and commitment of the HCS community. We provided easy-to-use Visual Guidelines to ensure consistency across communication platforms.

Hunger affects a staggering number of our friends and neighbors in Wisconsin. In the 2010 annual report we helped to tell the story of FAEW’s growing impact on families, children, and individuals throughout Eastern Wisconsin.

For nearly forty years Community Advocates has worked to meet the basic needs of Milwaukee’s most vulnerable citizens. In the last decade, services have greatly expanded and the staff has grown from 30 to 150. In 2009 a capital campaign was launched to purchase a large building in downtown Milwaukee. Housing the agency’s services and staff in one central location has greatly improved efficiency and effectiveness. We helped create this package to support the ambitious capital campaign that made this improvement possible.