A vast majority of women in leadership positions today were Girl Scouts — including 80% of women business owners. This piece provides a concise overview of the role Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast plays in developing leaders for the 21st century.

As part of an effort to increase support for HCS throughout the City of Milwaukee, we developed this overview brochure to introduce readers to the school’s unique story.

Grateful Plate is Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin’s popular gala event that takes place every June at the Wisconsin Club.

A report to the community on MAWIB’s progress from 2007 to 2012.

Community Shares of Greater Milwaukee (CSGM) coordinates workplace giving campaigns for organizations that are committed to social justice, the environment and animal welfare. Many of their member organizations are small and CSGM provides valuable access to donors at their workplace. We worked with CSGM to develop a system for collateral materials (a few pieces are shown above) that presents consistent imagery and messaging, making it easier for audiences to recognize them.

As part of an awareness campaign, an invitation to attend a “Get to Know Us” event for Highland Community School.

For nearly forty years Community Advocates has worked to meet the basic needs of Milwaukee’s most vulnerable citizens. In the last decade, services have greatly expanded and the staff has grown from 30 to 150. In 2009 a capital campaign was launched to purchase a large building in downtown Milwaukee. Housing the agency’s services and staff in one central location has greatly improved efficiency and effectiveness. We helped create this package to support the ambitious capital campaign that made this improvement possible.