Farmers Jeff and Kelly grow delicious, nutritious, certified organic produce on their farm in Campbellsport, Wisconsin. Their popular CSA has a unique feature of allowing members to select their produce each week.

The good folks at Progressive Community Health Centers are an inspiring bunch, providing health care to Milwaukee’s un- and under-insured through two clinics, the Lisbon Avenue Health Center and the Hillside Family Health Center. Our first venture together was to develop a new name and identity (they were the Westside Health Care Association) more closely aligned with who they are. We followed that up by developing signage, print collateral and a website, and most recently we worked together to develop a social media strategy.

A program of the Headwaters Foundation in Minneapolis, the African American Leadership Forum is a movement committed to the revitalization and sustainability of a vibrant African American community. The circular format of the icon represents the unity of the group; the stripes of varying widths represent the range of perspectives the individual members bring; and the color palette reflects the vibrant energy of the group.

Highland Community School is a parent-directed, Montessori charter school that’s part of Milwaukee Public Schools. We helped the school develop an identity that reflects the energy and commitment of the HCS community. We provided easy-to-use Visual Guidelines to ensure consistency across communication platforms.